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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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The New Coach in New Jersey

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How fitting...

How is Pat Burns doing health-wise BTW? Any recent news?

I saw him on a TSN interview not too long ago, and he looked good (lost a ton of weight). I think at that point he was nearing (if not done) his treatments and was doing very well...whether or not he'll ever coach again? who knows.

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L.L. completly screws over John McClean!!

Completly stabbed him in the back if you ask me.

Julien is a good coach though. Maybe L.L. was just looking for the closest looking guy to him that he could find

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Johnny Mac has zero games as head coach in any league. Go to the minors, learn the craft, then re-apply. There is a huge difference between head coach and assistant coach. Johnny Mac has family roots in NJ. When he is ready to pack up and ride the iron lung for experience, then he will have something to put on his resume.

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L.L. completly screws over John McClean!!

Completly stabbed him in the back if you ask me.

Julien is a good coach though. Maybe L.L. was just looking for the closest looking guy to him that he could find

Your really wrong...

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