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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Warrior Federov Curve?

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I know there has been many topics on this, but i have searched and i cant find the info im after. Is the only difference between the federov curve and the easton modo/forsberg the lie, or is there a slight difference in curve depth or anything?

I was wondering because people have said that the new warrior federov curves do look a bit different to the easton modo/forsbergs.

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My Federov Dolomite looks almost exactly like my Easton Modano/Forsberg blades. The Federov lie is a 5, just like the Modano/Forsberg. The lies in the Warrior catalog are inaccurate.

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while we are talking about warrior curves which one is the closest to a reatil Lidstrom curve?


are they the same lie, lidstrom is a 5.5 just for refernce

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