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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Oakley Mace (where to find)

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I have one pair of 15" Oakley Mace gloves that I got from the Nashville Predator's sale when they had the entry draft there a couple of years ago.

Does anyone know where I can find another pair? I've searched the usual suspects online but only found junior level gloves, nothing in 14" or 15".

If no luck, does anyone have a suggestion for something comparable in fit and protection?

Thanks in advance.

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The most similar in my mind is the 2005 Salming PG1. It's not exact but as close as you're going to find.

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I have a brand new pair, size 14", blue, silver and white I believe. pm if your interested.

I bought them of hockeymonkey awhile ago dont know if they still have them or not?


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Not sure about in your location, but the Sports Authority by me has them in 14", not sure what the price is though.

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