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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Good age

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Ed Jovanovski said in an interview that he started at age 13 skating and whatnot, I don't really think he got picked up as a goon, he made it seem like he worked really hard at becoming an offensive defenceman.

It's possible. Maybe. But remember his dad was a professional athlete (soccer) and that he was VERY athletic before he started skating at age 13. And also, he kept playing rugby/soccer whatever all through his teen years. And then he became on of the best defensemen in the world. Something to think about.

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I dont think coming to a website asking if youre too old to start playing hockey to become an NHL d-man is a good idea.

It's not like I'm going to be depressed about it, I was just wondering. If anything what I've heard from everyone will help motivate me even more.

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warrior37  Posted on Jun 18 2006, 04:41 PM

  I dont think coming to a website asking if youre too old to start playing hockey to become an NHL d-man is a good idea.

I do. I started @13 and got decent. I had played a bit of roller hockey so that probably helped once I got used to ice. It didn't feel like it did but I bet it did. And there are a lot of things I've learned since reading this message board just this year that would have helped a ton when I was tinkering with my game. This is the best place to start I could think of if one were not learning from a father/family friend who's been there.

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I dont think coming to a website asking if youre too old to start playing hockey to become an NHL d-man is a good idea.

If you have nothing to add to the discussion, why post at all?

On topic:

Go out, work hard, learn from your coaches and maybe you'll get lucky.

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Like flip said, we learn A LOT when we read this board, day after day. Those details are sometimes great to have and to know when you want to improve your game.

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