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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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I just bought a Compaq(HP) and I love it.

Gods Speed

We actually agree on something.

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I'm going for the Sony Vaio. It looks good and I can actually afford it! Any reviews on one of those?

Sony makes good products, but they are a bit overpriced.

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I'm going for the Sony Vaio. It looks good and I can actually afford it! Any reviews on one of those?

I have one and I love it. However, I had it less than a month and the hard drive failed. When my warranty replaced it, I ended up getting a 100 gig, as opposed to the 75 that came with it, so that made me happy. Other than that, I've had absolutely no problems with it, and I use it a hell of a lot. They are a little spendy, but I was fortunate enough to get $300 off because Best Buy was having a sale.

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As some of you know, I'm a college professor...so I have the benefit of seeing and hearing about virtually every laptop in existence. Our campus is wireless so laptops get used a lot.

By far and away the best laptop is a mac: no worries, no viruses and they handle getting dropped off a table pretty good. (that's why warranty on laptops is way more expensive than a desktop). It is also why I have one; it has taken a beating with zero problems.

If you have to go with a pc, and I see no reason why anyone would with a macbook as an alternative, the best performing one I see in the halls, head and shoulders above the other pc's, is Toshiba.

Other than that, if your campus bookstore has a real deal, it might be worth swinging to that.

Also invest in a GOOD quality USB key; the cheaper ones break at exactly the wrong moment. You can't always use your laptop everywhere; and usually have to use the campus computer for printing. (At our wireless campus that's so people don't print one million pages of something as a prank - LOL "drive-by printing").

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