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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Synergy shaft?

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Hey, i just have a question about the performance of a broken shaft. I have a broken synergy(2003 model), and a recently broken Synergy SL. Both at the blades, i was wondering if it was worth it to cut the stick and put a taper blade in there? or should i cut it higher and put a regular blade in there? huge perfomance differences?


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Hey, i just have a question about the performance of a broken shaft. I have a broken synergy(2003 model), and a recently broken Synergy SL. Both at the blades, i was wondering if it was worth it to cut the stick and put a taper blade in there? or should i cut it higher and put a regular blade in there? huge perfomance differences?


Well I will give you my thoughts on this. If I where you I would cut it to enable the shaft to fit tapered blades. Doing this will keep much of the performance value intact by keeping the taper flex. Now if you where to do go the second route, you would loose a lot of length and a lot of the performance of the shaft. If you have nady other questions just post.

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is there really a taper zone on a standard shaft? I'm using a Sl grip shaft turn-over with z-carb and i must say this is the best combo i used so far, and i used the L-2,R2XN10,xn10,v110,true-1...

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