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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Question about Lidstrom Curve

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I have a Synergy SL with a Lidstrom curve.

My wrist shots with it produce slow, inconsitent, wobbling pucks while my shots with the Sakic curve were fine.

What would cause this and what can be done to adjust?

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The Lidstrom is a much lighter stick and I got it for a good discount.

I haven't invested a lot of time or money into it but I'm just curious why I'm having trouble with it.

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I've noticed that "snapping" or "rolling" your wrist is usually the key. Whenever I just fling the puck anywhere, it wobbles. But if I forcefully snap my wrists when I shoot, it flies straight as an arrow. I remember I used the Lidstrom for a bit and had the same problem, but I think if you actually focus on rolling your wrists more than you're accustomed to, you'll notice an improvement.

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when i used the lidstrom i had simillar problems with the puck fluttering, it was because on my follow threw i was catching the puck with the toe of my stick, i'm not sure if this is what your doing but i use the sakic now and that problme has gone away.

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Is was lighter? Did you have a sakic and lidstrom on the same stick?

The Sakics I use are just Easton woodies.

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I use a Lidstrom for the big toe and have easily adjusted from Modano. Just Grip It and Rip It! Hold the stick tighter with your bottom hand.

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