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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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2003 Ford Ranger

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I just picked up my new truck *yeah* but I have one problem...I can't figure out how to change the clock....it's about 20 minutes wrong.

The instructions in the manual are for a different model radio. It says to press the RDS button until time flashes, but I don't have an RDS button on my radio.

Any help?

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isnt it right under the eject button? In the top right corner.

Yeah...I sat in the truck and pressed "CLK" (clock) for like 2 minutes...and the damn thing never started flashing...

I'll re-read the book tomorrow and ask around at work.

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My dad has an 00 excursion, and in his you hold down the clk button and use the tune/seek buttons to change the time. I'm pretty sure it's the same in my 92 Cougar and other fords, so might be the same for the ranger.

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My dad has an 00 excursion, and in his you hold down the clk button and use the tune/seek buttons to change the time.  I'm pretty sure it's the same in my 92 Cougar and other fords, so might be the same for the ranger.

Thanks, I'll try that in the morning.

[EDIT] Upon furhter review...the model radio IS in the book (I missed it the first time I looked) and that was exactly right...thanks.

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Another question...maybe someone can help me with...

The radio is fine. Plays great...no worries...but when you put in a CD it only plays out of the drivers side speakers....I've goen throught eh balance and fade....the right saide can faintly hear the music, but it sounds really crackly. The radio sounds strong and clear through all the speakers, so I know it isn't the speakers themselves...

Does this mean the deck itself is shot...or could it be something else. I didn't think to bring a CD with me when I terst drove it, so I didn't find this out until after I had it home.

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it could be a wiring problem with the passenger side speaker.

But AM/FM is fine? Or could the CD/Radio wire separately somehow?

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Another question...maybe someone can help me with...

The radio is fine. Plays great...no worries...but when you put in a CD it only plays out of the drivers side speakers....I've goen throught eh balance and fade....the right saide can faintly hear the music, but it sounds really crackly. The radio sounds strong and clear through all the speakers, so I know it isn't the speakers themselves...

Does this mean the deck itself is shot...or could it be something else. I didn't think to bring a CD with me when I terst drove it, so I didn't find this out until after I had it home.

It's obviously a problem with reading the CD. If it does that with other CDs I would take it back and see if they'll do something about it. A reputable dealership should be willing to make some kind of effort.

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I've tried a couple CD's...yeah they both do it. I bought the truck out of town...so I think I'll bring it to a car audio place in town so they can definately tell me what's wrong...then I'll go to the dealer and try to get it staightened out.

Thanks gang.

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