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Inexpensive pants & Girdle..

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I've never played roller before, but I just moved and the YMCA around the corner from my new apt has adult roller league, I don't think its very competitive but I could be wrong, its an outdoor rink and I really just want the pants so that the concrete doesn't tear up my shin guards, and I guess the girdle just so that there is some light padding.. so anyways, I'm just going to get the cheapest stuff I can find.. I've just looked around online for some cheap pants, I came up with the CCM Vector PF4, Nike Quest 2, & CCM Maverick pants for all around $35.. and as for a girdle.. Im looking at the Vector pf4 for the same price above... r these ok?

Another question, can I use one of my older OPS that I don't use for ice anymore on the concrete rink? or will that just eat up the blade? I was going to use an old TPS Response..

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Well IMO a girlde is a girlde. They all have foam padding with some plastic.

I think that the brand "Nexed" has the most durable roller pants. They dont have very stylish pants IMO but my dad has had the same pair for 7+ years and not a rip.

The OPS will work fine if you dont care about the blade tearing up. I actually still use a TPS Response for outdoors also. It holds up great. But never can use it again in indoors. Sooner or later you'll see a white plastic piece coming out of the bottom. Then it is time to get a new one.

Hope this helped.

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Thanks buddy!,, yeah I don't use the tps for ice anymore its just collecting dust so I figured I"ll use it for roller. question.. do u guys tape your blades? my initial thought was then the tape along the bottom would act as friction against the concrete.. but on the other hand, then theres no grip on the blade for the pucks...

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Mission pants for 30 bucks on hockeymonkey. Under the clearance section. I've been in Mission pants since fifth grade, and they are great. I've had one pair for a good 4 years now, but I just get new ones to fit the periodical need to keep up with "fashion."

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I have a 30-32" waist, which according to the charts would be a size small Girdle, makes sense because I wear a size small CCM ice hockey patns, however, for the inline pants, do u need to go the next size larger so that it can fit w/ the girdle underneath? or would I get a size small inline pants as well?

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I've been back and forth with inline pants.

Honestly -- the sizes on inline pants speak mainly of length, rather than waist -- as most all models of inline pants start huge and are made to just be tightened into your size (most of the time)

Honestly, I'm a 36-40 in regular jeans/pants and feel very comfortable in medium inline pants (tour, mission and hyper brands) with a small (!!) girdle underneath... the girdle fits really tight, but that's how I like to wear my equipment. I would say go with the small at largest... since you don't really have much of a step down beyond that. Depends on how you like your pants though. I just bought a new pair of Hyper Titanium pants, size L, which states that they should fit someone 5'9 - 5'11" -- I'm 6'0" and find the crotch drops a little low for my previous comfort levels, but I plan to adjust and get used to them...

It's really about personal choice and feel -- go to your LHS and try different ones on.

Mission, Nexed, Hyper, Syven are all great brands.

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Depending on your height, you might be a small or medium in pants. I'm a 32 waist and about 5'10, and found the mission small to be a bit too tight. I felt i was restricted when taking strides.

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I've got the Nike Quest 2's. Burnt a hole in my first game - not really holding up too well - probably last one season. (16 games)

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Thanks for all the responses, I could definetly use the advice, I'm small, I'm only 5'6 so smaller pants should fit me,, the problem is that the LHS doesn't have much roller stuff, I think I've seen some black/yellow looking pants and thats all they have (I don't know what brand b/c I never looked at roller gear before).. but I guess I"ll try those and if the price is right I get them, otherwise I'll have to order online. Looks like the Mission D2 '05 model and the CCM PF4 are the cheapest girdles on the big retail sites, I'll probably get one of those if they have a size small and we'll see whats up w/ the pants. Thanks again.

another question, as far as taping ur shins is concerned, can u use those shin tight things that fit over the shins to keep them in place? or do u use tape on the outside, I would think tape on the outside would just get ripped off if u fall.

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If you're talking about those sleeves... I'd stay away from them... I've heard horrible things about them stretching out really badly.

I just tape my shinguards under my pants... not that big a deal, I know a lot of people who tape they shinguards outside their pants too, personal preference...

I wouldn't spend too much $ on pants if you're going to be using them outside, on concrete, as they are going to get torn up pretty quick.

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I have a 30-32" waist, which according to the charts would be a size small Girdle, makes sense because I wear a size small CCM ice hockey patns, however, for the inline pants, do u need to go the next size larger so that it can fit w/ the girdle underneath? or would I get a size small inline pants as well?

Get a size bigger. In roller hockey you'll want your pants to be baggy! Now dont be quick to judge that, its not fashion but youll want the room to move especially with the girlde.

Plus, if its to big you can tape it up. Then we can do our fancy fashion styles. :blink: <_<

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I have a 30-32" waist, which according to the charts would be a size small Girdle, makes sense because I wear a size small CCM ice hockey patns, however, for the inline pants, do u need to go the next size larger so that it can fit w/ the girdle underneath? or would I get a size small inline pants as well?

Get a size bigger. In roller hockey you'll want your pants to be baggy! Now dont be quick to judge that, its not fashion but youll want the room to move especially with the girlde.

Plus, if its to big you can tape it up. Then we can do our fancy fashion styles. :blink: <_<

Id disagree....If your getting a girdle and get something in the Mission line you want it true to size and nice and snug, there is plenty of movement in the girdles no problem...As for pants ...I wouldnt get a size to big especially in the Missions they run bog enough as it is...Like its said above it depends on you height....Im a 32 waist and about 5'8 and I got a junior L in the Mission 5500 06 pants and they fit perfect, however I dont wear a girdle....Id say youd be fine in either a junior L if you wanna save a couple bucks or an Adult Small but thats only in the Mission line I dont know about anything else....

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I just spoke to my LHS, he said the only stuff in size Small he's got is the mission 7500 girdle and some mission helium pants (not sure what model) but I think they're $35 each. if they fit, thats what I'm gonna go with. thanks again for the advice.

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I'm the same size and I play on smooth concrete.

You definitely need a small in pants & girdle...

For the conditions you're going to play in, you should get a Mission Thorax Girdle. I don't use any girlde, but I've used that and it's really good while not being bulky at all. It's basically compression shorts with pads in strategic spots. It'll protect you from falls on the tailbone/hip and some shots in the upper leg. Should be more than enough for what you need and the increase in mobility (and decrease in bulk) over a regular girdle is tremendous. It'll cost a little more than a clearance girdle, but I think you'll be really happy with the decision. Buy it from ePuck or another site and you'll save the sales tax...

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I ended up getting the Mission 1500 pants and 7500 girdle, strangely I fit into a Junior Large girdle under the senior size small pants.. however, Im using my own jock cuz that one in the junior is tiny LOL..

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