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Wrist curls

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For you guys that do wrist curls (the weight on a stick or pole then rolling it up) how many do you do?Do you do it in sets or what? What have you found to work best. Also what weight do you guys use?

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Theo your talking about wrist curls, but I think Kovalchuck means when you have weight on a rope attatched to a strait bar and have to roll it up.

Well I use 20lbs on it and I do about 4-5 sets of that.

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Theo your talking about wrist curls, but I think Kovalchuck means when you have weight on a rope attatched to a strait bar and have to roll it up.

Well I use 20lbs on it and I do about 4-5 sets of that.

how many per set?

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do 3-5 sets and do each set until failure. Once you get up to about 10 reps or so before failure, add some more weight. take around 3-4 minutes of rest between each set.

a good way to push yourself is to keep track of how many reps you do in each set at each weight. That way you can push yourself for that one extra rep. I carry a freaking 5 subject notbook around in the weight room. Write little notes to yourself, its a good way to keep track of things and it makes it easy to see the progress you are making.

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When watching hockey games, I just used a 25pound dumb-bell and did them until fatigue. Than again...And again. After a while you just will not be able to do much anymore. Have the weight roll down to your finger tips...roll it up and than roll your wrist up. You really get the whole motion.

But I believe it has helped my shooting power a very good amt. My wrists and forearms are very strong.

Theo, at the age of 13, will this ruin my muscles even if I do it with say 5 pund dumb bells? Or should I just keep to my sit up, crunches, etc. the basics?

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When watching hockey games, I just used a 25pound dumb-bell and did them until fatigue.  Than again...And again.  After a while you just will not be able to do much anymore.  Have the weight roll down to your finger tips...roll it up and than roll your wrist up.  You really get the whole motion.

But I believe it has helped my shooting power a very good amt.  My wrists and forearms are very strong.

Theo, at the age of 13, will this ruin my muscles even if I do it with say 5 pund dumb bells? Or should I just keep to my sit up, crunches, etc. the basics?

Lagenbrunner...my daughter is also 13 and is working out with trainers this summer. They have her doing this with 5 lb weights.

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Theo your talking about wrist curls, but I think Kovalchuck means when you have weight on a rope attatched to a strait bar and have to roll it up.

Well I use 20lbs on it and I do about 4-5 sets of that.

how many per set?

in this case, rolling it down/rolling it up is considered a set and each twist of the wrists is considered a rep.

you do as many reps as it takes to get the rope rolled up, and let it down controlled. and you do that 4-5X

sounds like what i would do

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I have a 3 pound weight on mine and the rope is about my shoulder length from the ground. I do it about 12 times before I can't do it anymore. So about 3-4 sets of 12 is what I do on average.

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