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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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MLB suprises

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if any of you follow baseball what do you thing about the tigers. they just came from behind in the 9th(w/2 outs) to tie the cards, and won it in the 10th(w/2 outs). the tigers form last year would have lost this game. instead they find ways to win nite in and night out. there record is 50-25, only the third time they have had 50 win in the first 75 games. the other times were in 1911, and 1984 and we all know they won the world serises that year. it sill a long way to go.

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Yeah, I was there. It was one of the best games I've been at, along with one where they came back vs. Boston last year and the All-Star events. I joined the Robertson bandwagon and started shoving the Big League Chew late in the game. I started in the 8th, and they didn't do anything. Put all of it in in the 9th, and you know the rest. Good to see them doing so well, I know everyone expected .500 baseball, this is just great. And for as much as I hate the White Sox, I hope even more that Detroit can hold on.

Another win today, they are such a great team to watch.

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its amazing how changing the attitude of players is infectious. jim leyland is the manger of the year.

drwtmlvc, have you heard the smoltz rumors? i hope they don't trade zumya for him it will be just like when the tigers traded him to alt for doyle alexander.

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its amazing how changing the attitude of players is infectious. jim leyland is the manger of the year.

drwtmlvc, have you heard the smoltz rumors? i hope they don't trade zumya for him it will be just like when the tigers traded him to alt for doyle alexander.

One example of Leyland getting the job done is yesterday, when Bondo was toughing it out in the top of the seventh. Two out, one on. Leyland comes out and gives a spirited pep talk, and Bondo strikes Perez on three straight.

I have heard some rumblings, but I don't think they'll give up Zumaya for him. Actually, I don't see anyone but Jones going, and I don't even know about that. Jones has been iffy. But as far as everyone else, if it ain't broke, don't fix it. Even Ledezma is doing well, but he may thrive as a reliever, which is great to see. He was a horrible starter the past two seasons.

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How about a MSH group at a Tigers game? Who's in?

JR, I am definitely in. Danielle can drive me :D

When would be a good date for everyone? I can try and make time for any game.

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