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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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ultra lite grips

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alrite so i am looking at getting one of these and i was just wondering how long does it take for an 85 to really start to feel like an 85 with these sticks?

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i've never experimented a break-in on easton shaft(I've used the SL,cyclone,Z-bubble,synthesis,synergy and typhoon, looking forward to the UL since they have grip now..)

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Chris, itll be a good 8months-1 yr depending on how much you use it. Also dont buy it online, or ou may end up with a 85 UL that feels like a 120. UL's are notorious for feeling way stiffer than the advertised flex

My bro has a 55 flex one that feels like a 90 easy

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Chris, itll be a good 8months-1 yr depending on how much you use it. Also dont buy it online, or ou may end up with a 85 UL that feels like a 120. UL's are notorious for feeling way stiffer than the advertised flex

My bro has a 55 flex one that feels like a 90 easy


I can barely flex my 100 over my knee..

I'm in for a LOT of break in time :S

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