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Pronger Curve Question

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I know for a fact that i posted a pic of his pro curve somewhere on this site. If i can find the stick in my closet, ill take another pic.

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i use a p32 pronger RBK 3K wood stick. which is identical to a CCM Lecavalier (dunno the number). but the p32 on my wood stick is NOT the same as the p32 6k blades at my LHS.

me and the guy at the shop found this to be rather amusing.

anyone know why? are my sticks just an oops? i ordered some around 4 months apart. they were identical.

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i use a p32 pronger RBK 3K wood stick. which is identical to a CCM Lecavalier (dunno the number). but the p32 on my wood stick is NOT the same as the p32 6k blades at my LHS.

me and the guy at the shop found this to be rather amusing.

anyone know why? are my sticks just an oops? i ordered some around 4 months apart. they were identical.

It is just the inconsistency of wood blades. No two wood blades are ever exactly the same, unlike their composite brethren.

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The Pronger curves are generally a Lidstrom/Lecavalier type of curve.

Thockey, you sent me the Pronger curve. It got blown up when my computer when down, or I'd re-post it. Big Heel curve I believe. Not overly similar to his retail, but not way off either.

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I was comparing it in a shop yesterday.

RBK pronger = Easton Lidstrom EXACTLY the same no difference at all.

Also very similar to the TPS.. damn can't remember which TPS it looked exactly like. TPS Drury???

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i use a p32 pronger RBK 3K wood stick.  which is identical to a CCM Lecavalier (dunno the number).  but the p32 on my wood stick is NOT the same as the p32 6k blades at my LHS.

me and the guy at the shop found this to be rather amusing. 

anyone know why?  are my sticks just an oops?  i ordered some around 4 months apart.  they were identical.

It is just the inconsistency of wood blades. No two wood blades are ever exactly the same, unlike their composite brethren.

the blade its self is actually a composite material.

and the blades on the few i have are absolutely identical. and identical to the lecavalier..

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The Pronger P32 5k RB I have has a rounded toe, while my Lecavalier V110 OPS has a square toe...

+ the Pronger curves more while the lecavalier curve's at the heel and is straight rest of the way.

What does your 3K blades have? Square or Rounded toe?

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Pronger RBK are rounded at all levels. That is the only difference between the RBK and the Easton Lidstrom: other than that the curve is the same.

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The Pronger P32 5k RB I have has a rounded toe, while my Lecavalier V110 OPS has a square toe...

+ the Pronger curves more while the lecavalier curve's at the heel and is straight rest of the way.

What does your 3K blades have? Square or Rounded toe?

its rounthe ones i have are identical to lecavalier in the lie, curve, and rockering on the bottom. didnt quite look at the toes...

id call it rounded, but ive seen rounder.

wish i had a camera...

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alright, snagged some pics with my camera phone...

i dotn have a lecavalier to put side by side, but the rockering on the bottom and the curve was identical to a lecavlier v110 i held in my hands at a store next to it. toe slightly different. actual 6k p32 was way different. rockering, curve, and toe all different from the two p32 3k's i owned.


also for kicks, show the blade construction on the first one that snapped... it had a silvery gray coating that made it look like carbon fiber, but that peeled away to show this....


so, its not wood its a composite-ish construction. the blades between the ones i own are identical. which leads me to believe i got some in a batch that were fubared, or reebok's p32 doesnt match from low to high end.

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I've been playing with the 5k Pronger curve, and ordered some 3k RB's for outdoor, which haven't arrived yet.

Anybody here have access to the 5k & 3k Rb's for a quick comparison?

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did you get the 3k stick, or a 3k blade... i want to say i saw 3k blades on the net somewhere. it'd be interesting to see how they compare.

as far as a cheap woodie goes, i like it... i havent been playing long, havent gotten too picky about my sticks yet to feel the need to splurge on a composite.

also for street hockey, its great... whatever they made the material out of is pretty resiliant to wear and tear. perhaps even more so than a plastic ABS blade. i cracked the one about an inch playing ice (i got pissed and slammed my stick down). and then relegated it to ball and street hockey. did the job admirably. the only reason it split was me doing slapshots hehe

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