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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Bending Skate Tongues

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Whats the best way to make them stay like how Weight, Ovechkin and others do. I started to put my shin guards under my skate tongues instead of over and every time they fold back up. Any Suggestions or Help?

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I think my one friend had them taped for a week. I guess if that doesn't work, tape 'em after every game and they should stay down. I put my shin guards behind the tongue too but I just leave it natural, not folding them or anything.

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Use the laces to tie them down. Or rubbebands. Tape can leave residue. Just constantly do it. Weeks at a time. They'll mold.

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I've always been a person to do the tounges under the shin pads. But now that i have my new Grafs.. with the massive tounges i will be putting them out aswell, because they bend down so far that it offers a little protection, which being a defence you need. So there is a purpose in some ways, other ways its for looks.

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I thought some of the players just get longer and more droopy tongues put in their skates..


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i bent my tongue with my vapor 30 but i was wondering if somebody has tried to bend the tongue on a pair of one90 skates because i noticed that it was pretty small

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Heat them with a heatgun but spread vaseline on the tongue because you don'y wanna burn the tongue up. After heating them, tape them and that should do the tricks.

That's what I did and it works well.

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