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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Mount a frame with regular nuts & bolts?

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Hi everybody - my inagural post here...

Was wondering if mounting an inline frame to an ice boot with flathead screws/bolts and nuts would be stronger than rivets. Seems like it would be by a large margin. The Graf RMS screws sort of prove this as I'm told they hold like concrete. Not really concerned about the weight of screws compared to rivets haha...

Anyone done this? Any pros and cons you can think of? To be honest with you I'm real picky at how my frames are mounted (angle, pitch and whatnot), dont think I trust the LHS.


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Yes, but it would be heavier.

If you are worried about your LHS, send them somewhere that won't screw it up.

Yeah am thinking of maybe sending them off. Really, the LHS here is a joke. A guy there said they sold a bunch of Rebellion skates and when I went back to get a blade a week later I was talking to the manager and he said they've only sold like 1 pair of them. Also, I'm a pretty big dude - 6' and weigh in at 200lbs. Afraid my old Tacks wont hold up much longer.

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