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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Revision Wheel problem

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I have a set of Gold Revisions, and the back wheel on both skates is cracking. There are a series of vertical cracks, on pretty much the entire wheel. I have only used the wheels for 12 games, is this normal wear?

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I have the same problem...have some golds only had them for about a month skating 1 maybe 2 times a week and I have cracks on almost all 8 of my wheels the front ones are chunking...I weight 160lbs. so according to the chart I have the right wheels...I guess maybe I need to go harder....Is there anyone here who is a Revision rep. who can help us out?...Do they replace wheels and have customer service as good as RR?

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nabeel's e-mail is out here ..i think its nabeel@revisionhockey.com

they have provided me with excellent CS (as has Mike @ RR)

my sets have developed cracks in time (back right, I get lazy in the old man league)

as was stated above you may want to mix in some harder ones...I have bronze on the back..i think a gold on the toe

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What sort of surface are you playing on when using these wheels?

They are garenteed for 30 days as long as you use them on something like sports court or spider court flooring. This is becasue they are only designed for these floors.

Also you cant go by a chart to buy wheels it all depends on the way you skate, how heavy you are on your feet how you stop etc.

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