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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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my rep came buy with the new (XXX lite woody)

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thought you guys would like to see this.woody

Nice. How come that site has all the new sticks I though had not came out yet like the new mission camo stick already?

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If you only knew...  LMAO!
Sounds like there's a story underneath the story.

Thats what I was thinking....Id like to know what problems there are because I assume thats what the story is about :rolleyes:

"Thought you guys would like to see this woody"

umm...guys? it's a woody joke....you know..nudge, nudge, wink, wink

Glad I could sort that one out for you!

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Looks cool but I have a XXX Lite collecting dust after my other one broke in its second game. No way I am I buying one of these.

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What a joke. People go crazy over one pieces, yet now they want them to look like wood. :rolleyes:

But this may actually be a good disguise. Sometimes, some players who aren't as good who have money and can afford nice sticks don't necessarily want everyone to know that they're stick is $300 and this new paintjob may just do the trick. I've heard that some people just go out with crappy chopper sticks to go and try and break other people's nice OPS.

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What a joke. People go crazy over one pieces, yet now they want them to look like wood. :rolleyes:

People go "crazy" over OPS because of the performance (okay, most because of the weight), not just because of the look.

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thought you guys would like to see this.woody

Awesome!! Just awesome!

I'm suprised we hadn't seen this before the pink and camo stuff.

Who said I didn't?


I think he said "we" not "JR" :P

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