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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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dry land training

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other than weight training has anyone tried any type of plyometrics to your training?what type of core training or dry land training?

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I do agility and stability work with my friend who is an athletic personal trainer. We do all sorts of stuff: Ladder, Sprints, cones, squat-jumps, wheelbarrow push ups, etc.

After doing 2 sessions a week for 4 weeks, I have noticed a huge difference in my quickness. Not speed, but quickness. Primarily my first and second steps have much more oompf to them. And I cut much faster.

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One of the most basic plyometric exercises is simply jumping rope. If you are new to plyo's, start by skipping rope. Even for the more seasoned athletes skipping is an often overlooked tool.

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