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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Shin guard molding

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Is there a way to do it? I just bought rbk 6k shin guards, and the knee cap needs to flatten out to fit more to my knee (Its pushed together too much). How would I do this? Blow Dryer?

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If you just bought them, go return them. Heating up and remolding plastic is only going to make that plastic very weak and prone to cracking in the future. Buy a pair you are happy with and fits properly.

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I have Easton shin and shoulder pads that say heat moldable on them. I got them as they fit me perfectly but always wondered how it was supposed to be done as well.

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my rbk 7ks took like a month to break that thing in, it wass a bittch. its a lot better now though, they are awesome. i reccomend you just stick with it.

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my rbk 7ks took like a month to break that thing in, it wass a bittch. its a lot better now though, they are awesome. i reccomend you just stick with it.

really a month, i found the 7ks to form right too my leg and work great the first game i skated in them

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