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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Converting Roller boot to Ice

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I wouldn't think that they would be strong enough to take a ice hockey puck. Idk of any roller hockey skates that would be strong enough... but I haven't really checked out any high end rh skates.

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If you've got a boot that you want to convert so that you can have a pair of skates cheap, then go for it. Otherwise, I'd just get a normal pair of ice hockey skates. I Had the old mission Flow Mod 4',s and they were pretty darn heavy, even compared to my Beemers. The outsole on the old mission boots weighs a ton (but is extremely durable for outdoor roller hockey). If you've already got the boot and want a cheap solution, I say go for it. If you'd need to buy a boot just for the project, I'd just buy a complete skate.

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