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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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length of stealth

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Does anyone know the length of the stealth that the flex is based on? Is it the length of the full stick (59.75 inches) or is the flex based off of the length of the non joined/molded shaft? Could it be the little line that I see on about 51 inches from the handle? Thanks for all help.

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I think I would have to disagree with you. Why would they measure flex on a shaft from end to end when the addition of a blade will alter its flex. A longer hosel blade will make your 100 flex seem flexier (sp?) than a blade with a shorter hosel. I was looking more for the length of the tenon or actual shaft from someone in the know, rather than a common answer. But thanks anyway,

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on a shaft I agree but on a OPS why not measure from the heel and up? They aren't really made to be turned into a shaft.

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Why have 6 different formulas for making 3 different flexes when they can have 3 formulas respectively? (shaft:85,100,110 and OPS: 85,100,110) Your comment has made me think of something: I think your comment is correct in that OPS are measured heel to handle and I bet that the flex of a shaft is the amount of force required to flex the shaft with a generic hosel length (OPS). Well I guess that means the answer to my question is 59.75

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