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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Final Factor Chassis

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I am pretty sure Hockey Outlet still has alot of them.I bought two sets of the mediums about two months ago and they had cases of them.There not showing up on there web site because I think there trying to update it. I would try and call them I think I paid $9.99 a pair.

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I emailed Hockeyoutlet, and they do have the Final Force chassis in stock for $9.99....anyone remember the difference between those and the Final Factors? I had Factors on an old pair of skates, and I loved them.....very high quality.

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Could somebody put up pics? I am very curious to see what they look like. I've never heard or seen them before. Thanks.

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the Force was a lower end chassis than the Factor, but not bad by any means. I think the metal extrusion (single-void, dual-void, etc.) and the cross members (or lack thereof on the Force) were the difference.

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