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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Narch team list

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So the goods are out of the bag. What do you guys think of the narch nationals team list? A lot of teams. Good luck to anyone participating!

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A few more teams/divisions to go..should again be around 370-380..so again nearly double most others ..

A couple years ago..OC and AMB were supposed to start this mass exodus..TMD and Cobras joined this year..but again the #'s stay pretty much the same..so the sport is growing at that level...good to see..

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Jim can you provide a rough estimate of when a schedule will be coming out as I need to book days off work if my team has a lot of day games. Also does Narch try and give the kids ages more day games and the older divisions night games or is it just a free for all? Thanks

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on the Team list thing it says July 10/11 the schedule will be out...typically once a team list comes out..a few teams who thought they were registered etc realize they aren't..i kid you not...one year a team had flights, hotels, etc but forgot to register...

certain age groups will start the AM off..ie. I don't think I've ever seen an Atom/Mite game past 7-8pm..etc..

typically jr, sr, d1, get the later starts..although Sr will have some afternoon games..it just depends on how deep the block is..

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man..watching Brazil play last year trying to get into the Sr Gold playoffs...what a crowd...that's the stuff I'll miss this year....a rink full of people watching a game at 10pm...every goal changing the outcome for 3-5 teams on the bubble...

I love my bogota capitals shirt..great piece of swag...

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