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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Virtual credit card

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I use Neteller for everything I do regarding poker. I've never had a problem for it, but then again what I use it for is pretty obscure. So you're looking for something to hook up to your land bank account? Neteller would work, but I've heard epassporte is good, too.

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you can use your bank account to make a paypal account

If there's a problem with paypal, they can freeze the bank account tied to your paypal account.

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use an off shore account that they cannot freeze. This is not the case with all banks, they choose wether to listen to Paypal or not, they have no obligation to.

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Speaking of this stuff, I have a question maybe someone can answer. Right now my Neteller account is completely separate from my land bank account. I have far more money in Neteller, and I use this solely to play poker. If I need money I'll have Neteller send me a check and then deposit it into my other account. There is a way where you can "verify" your bank account through Neteller, so you can do direct transfers and link the two accounts together. I'm just curious of the ramifications of this. I don't particularly want to pay taxes on the money in the basically offshore account that in reality I'm not touching. If the two accounts were linked, would that mean that I could be taxed on the Neteller account? I understand that if I take money out of Neteller I'll be taxed on it, but as far as I know, money left in there isn't taxed because it isn't traceable. I tried talking to my bank about this but they are of no help. They see me as a degenerate gambler and don't offer any real answers.

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