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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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I bought new gloves

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Yesterday I went glove shopping after work. It was the second time in the last week I was going glove shopping and my mind was pretty much set on Supreme 70, One90, XX, XXX and XV. I had already tried quite a few pairs of different brands and although MIA and Eagles were confy, I did not feel like forking out 200$ Cnd or more after taxes which is why I had more interest in the Supreme 70 and XV. When I got there yesterday I tried them all again plus more brands I had skipped the first time around. I tried the RBK 8K, TPS HG 12 etc and as I had almost decided on getting the Bauer XV I saw the DR's in the corner and was like, hmm probably not even worth trying but hell I've been here half an hour already so I tried them on and liked them very much. I grabbed a stick and and stick handled a bit and decided to purchase them. Paid 97$ Cnd for them and the original price tag was 169.99$ Cnd. I'm happy with my purchase and will give these glove a thorough review once I've played a few games with them. Anyone else ever considered DR gloves? They don't seem to get much publicity here on the forums.

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I have Ferland 7500 gloves and I love them. I've had them for many years now. I wish they were still around as I think DR actually bought them. Good luck with the gloves.

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Thanks JB. I'm playing tonight actually. First game in 3 weeks. I've been out with a hamstring injury. So tonight I'm going to break in my new DR Gloves and a new pair of RBK 5 hockey pants.. Just can't wait!!

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Those are a very nice traditional style glove. Some of the DR products are a great value, others aren't that good.

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I've used DR/Ferland Gloves for the last few years and still do...the original pair is still going strong and I liked them so much I picked up a second pair when I found a good deal on them. Mine are newer style models with the index and middle fingers split in three - the newer pair is the DR HG1455. They were affordable, comfortable and light and are holding up very well...I have no complaints or regrets about the gloves.

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