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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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high arch

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I am wondering for you guys who have high arches, do you guys have pronation problem? How do you guys solve it? I found that tying the skates around the arch loosely might help, is it true?

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I found that tying the skates around the arch loosely might help, is it true?

Yes, that's what I do with my 852 Tacks. The width fits great, but the boot is a tad shallow for a high archer like myself.

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I had superfeet (grey) in my old skates until my gf threw them out one day.... "I thought it was trash just laying around"....

If you remove the footbeds from your skates after every session, remember to mention it to your gf <_<

Live in Europe, and don't want to have footbeds (only) shipped from the states.

(too much $$$)

Found some Yellow superfeet insoles from some old mission inliners in my basement, what's the difference between them and the gret superfeet?

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I am wondering for you guys who have high arches, do you guys have pronation problem?

Mew, do you pronate...ankles go in, or do you supinate...ankles go out?

put another way... is the wear pattern on your running shoes along the outside edge or is it on the inside edge...or fairly even?

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I had superfeet (grey) in my old skates until my gf threw them out one day.... "I thought it was trash just laying around"....

If you remove the footbeds from your skates after every session, remember to mention it to your gf <_<

Live in Europe, and don't want to have footbeds (only) shipped from the states.

(too much $$$)

Found some Yellow superfeet insoles from some old mission inliners in my basement, what's the difference between them and the gret superfeet?

if you look in the booklet it comes with it talks about all the different superfeet


Grey - Skates and cycling shoes

Green - casual and athletic

blue - all purpose

black - dress shoes

the superfeet are just colour coded to make it easier to tell apart which type of shoe they are meant for.

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I am wondering for you guys who have high arches, do you guys have pronation problem?

Mew, do you pronate...ankles go in, or do you supinate...ankles go out?

put another way... is the wear pattern on your running shoes along the outside edge or is it on the inside edge...or fairly even?

pronate inwards / \

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I also suffer from a similar condition and that problem would also lead to knee aches and back problems. If you have medical coverage I highly suggest going for some custom orthotics.

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