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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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NBH Gameapparell

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Where can i find these Shirts:

3d_1.JPG ?

I went to some shops but i just cant find them...

Anyone got a clue?

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I've used a lot of the "moisture wicking" shirts, including both Nike Dri-Fit and cheapo brands from wal mart. I absolutely love them. I play a lot of pickup roller all year long, and cotton t-shirts soak up a ton of sweat. By the time I'm done playing, a cotton tee weighs about 4 pounds. With these moisture wickers (they all seem to work about the same) the sweat evaporates much faster, even under my gear when I play Ice, keeping me dryer and lighter. I recommend any moisture wickers you can get your hands on. I usually pick them up from the clearance rack at Sports Authority for around $ 10-15

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thockey, yes that's what I think he's talking about.

The thing about the nike long sleeve is that it has those rubber pieces that help keep the elbow protector from slipping. I hear it works fantastic.

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