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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Flex-Warrior vs Easton

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Sorry if this has already been posted, I did ask in another thread but no one answered my question. Has Inno/Warrior changed there flexes? Back when it was Inno they had the 260 flex which was about a 90 flex on the Easton scale, now that Inno is now Warrior they have a 85 flex. I have heard from people(on MSH) that they find the Warrior flexes a little stiffer than Easton, is this true? If so has Inno/Warrior changed there flex patterns, could a Warrior 85 be a Inno 260 (90) flex (on the Easton scale)? Can anyone confirm or deny this? After all it wouldn't suprise me as Warrior is just repainted Inno's right? <_<

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Can anyone please help me with this? Is there any difference between a Warrior 85 dolomite and a Easton ST 85 in the flex? Is one stiffer than the other, or are they the same? ANYONE??

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