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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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I kno most dont like the hex-1, altough i have had 2, and liked them but they havent held up well, a few of my buddys use the XXX lite and say they like it a lot, so im thinking about tht, and the other night i gave my inno 1100 a try, and really liked tht (too short kno-and cracked)... so i kno it is personall preference, but could someone help out who has used all 2 or 3 to compare

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Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but the Dolomite 2 is basically an inno 1100 tapered. Also, Dolomite OPS and shaft/blade is the same, as the OPS is fused, not true OPS.

If you liked the inno, try the dolomite.

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Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but the Dolomite 2 is basically an inno 1100 tapered. Also, Dolomite OPS and shaft/blade is the same, as the OPS is fused, not true OPS.

If you liked the inno, try the dolomite.

some are the inno 1100 dual fit, which im pretty sure has two taper zones. on side fits tapered blades the other side fits standard.

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I love my Warrior Dolomite and TPS Response XN10. The Dolomite has the best blade I've ever used, the feel is absolutely amazing.

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my friend just got the reg. cnt stealth, and i felt it, and the sides were very concaved, and inward ... i didnt like how tht felt ... I kno it has been talked about before, but if i wanted an 80-90 flex .. what would tht be on warrior (inno) ,... 260-280???

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XXX lites are a great stick if you dont mind spending money but they do break easy.As far as durable sticks Ive had great luck with the TPS adrenalines and Reebok 7k.

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XXX Lites are great

I think NBH made some tweaks and made them more durable down by the hosel where they're prone to breaking

I've had mine since December and theres a bunch of hacks and scrapes and it is starting to chip badly at the blade but no cracks yet

The Dolomite shafts and Starskie/Dolomite OPS look great and they're not as expensive

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