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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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i have a question...

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Has anyone ever ordered a pair of gloves that lives in Canada from hockeygiant.. i wanna buy a pair of bauer xx nylon pro stock ones.. but i dont wanna pay alot of duties... does anyone know approximatley how much duties and taxes will be added on..

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i know that hockey heaven has pro nylon XX gloves and there in canada

how much tho im looking at around 150 bucks not like on ebay 250 for a pair of gloves...

edit: whats the website for hockey heaven? or do they not have one?

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i know that hockey heaven has pro nylon XX gloves and there in canada

how much tho im looking at around 150 bucks not like on ebay 250 for a pair of gloves...

well if u go to there website it should list a price im not sure but there only place in canada who has them but not sure what colours they got

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i know that hockey heaven has pro nylon XX gloves and there in canada

how much tho im looking at around 150 bucks not like on ebay 250 for a pair of gloves...

well if u go to there website it should list a price im not sure but there only place in canada who has them but not sure what colours they got

i cant even find there webe when i type in hockey heaven in google theres a site i go to but its like 339.00 for a pair of 03 nike quest? :blink: can you state the link please.

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Thanks but thats the seller on ebay that sells them for 239.99 nice gloves but out of my price range...

well they have a good quantity and if u want something sometimes you have to pay the price cause if you order from the states good chance your gunna get hit hard with duties

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It's something that shippers don't even know when they ship out. My store location now does ship fulfillments from our website and I do some Canadian orders and nothing is on the invoice. I have to put the good and the value (the price you paid for it.)

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It's something that shippers don't even know when they ship out. My store location now does ship fulfillments from our website and I do some Canadian orders and nothing is on the invoice. I have to put the good and the value (the price you paid for it.)

nice,thats pretty awesome JR

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Yeah, too bad they're depleting my store and I'm only getting 1/2 % of the sale... :P

It is whatever is sold from our Internet store. If it is not in the whse, it is in one of our stores.

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Custom and duties are added by the Canadian government and are determined by the value of the item and the reason for import(i.e. commercial sale, personal gift). If you ship UPS or Fedex you'll also have to deal with brokerage fees which are charged by the carrier. To save money ship USPS or have the package marked as a gift on the custom's forms.

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It's something that shippers don't even know when they ship out. My store location now does ship fulfillments from our website and I do some Canadian orders and nothing is on the invoice. I have to put the good and the value (the price you paid for it.)

Well, the thing that gets me is the difficulty in tracking whether duty is due on goods purchased in the states and shipped through to Canada. With NAFTA, if the product has been made in Canada or the US there should not be any duty charged.

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With NAFTA, if the product has been made in Canada or the US there should not be any duty charged.

Not completely true. NAFTA does not take full effect until 2008. Since the signing of the agreement duties have slowly been phased out. This process is dur to be completed in 2008.

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With NAFTA, if the product has been made in Canada or the US there should not be any duty charged.

But the country of origin is usually somewhere in Asia.

The best way around it is USPS. Although on my customs decs I've been putting US as country of origin (UPS) so I am not sure if they are being billed duties when they get it.

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With NAFTA, if the product has been made in Canada or the US there should not be any duty charged.

Not completely true. NAFTA does not take full effect until 2008. Since the signing of the agreement duties have slowly been phased out. This process is dur to be completed in 2008.

My understanding is that the hockey equipment portion is currently covered under NAFTA. Am I wrong??

The difficulty, as JR has pointed out, is that much of the product is actually made in Asia. Sorting out what qualifies is a bit complicated for the consumer.

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But the country of origin is usually somewhere in Asia. 

The best way around it is USPS.  [b}Although on my customs decs I've been putting US as country of origin (UPS) so I am not sure if they are being billed duties when they get it.

And when Dept. of Homeland Security (US Customs) comes knocking on your door for doing so, enjoy the pokey! B) They don't take that shit too lightly.

Just following orders, brotha...I used to work for an airline and I used to deal with Customs all the time...but they told me to put US.

You tell me, should I put Asia from here on out?

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Has anyone ever ordered a pair of gloves that lives in Canada from hockeygiant.. i wanna buy a pair of bauer xx nylon pro stock ones.. but i dont wanna pay alot of duties... does anyone know approximatley how much duties and taxes will be added on..

As much as I am enthralled with the notion of JR fending off... well, the original Question was duty on Bauer Vapor XX gloves.

Where are they manufactured?

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Nafta is a strange beast. It is so hard to determine whether an item is tarrif free or not. I once got tagged with a tarrif on skates, because they had a certain percentage of textile in them. I also got hit with big tarriffs on some base layer jerseys that were made in Canada, but.... the fabric was Chinese. NAFTA is way too complicated. Before Nafta I could buy pretty much any hockey equipment from Canada with no extra fees. But after Nafta, that 27% tarrif on made in CHina

hockey equipment (which is about 80% of all hockey equipment) is a bit hard to swallow, especially after they add the broker and tarriff processing fees too.

I will say this, do not lie to Customs or on Customs documentation. Back in the late 70's I was a US Customs inspector, they really emphasized that lying will get you big fine or jail time.

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If you can get the person or company you are dealing with to ship via USPS it is really hit and miss as to getting nailed on customs. There are so many packages coming across the border that they cannot process every package. I have had items that are in fact gifts, valued at under $50 and specified as such and still had to pay duty and had multiple items not identified as gifts with values in the 100's of $$$'s (golf clubs, kids toys, hockey sticks and equipment, sony PSP) and not been touched. It seems to be luck of the draw via USPS. With UPS though, they will ding you every time with the brokerage fee unless the value is under $20 as far as I know and I believe the other Courier's are the same.

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