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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Distance to nearest ice-rink

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45km of twisty mountain road.

45/50 minutes of normal driving.

Can do in under 30min when i'm late and want to kill myself.

45km (25/30 miles?) arent too bad, but the street is so twisty... makes you feel like Marku Alen. (Finnish modsquadders CANT partecipate in the "who is Marku Alen?" trivia). :lol:

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3 miles for the closest and 4 within a 10 radius. the one within 3 miles is the only olympic size sheet in NC.

Sounds like me too - Where in Raleigh do you live? Also, if you are 3 miles from the Iceplex then there are 6 rinks within 16 or so miles of you, at least that's how it is for me.

WF x2





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I have 3 within 5 minutes and 11 within 30 minutes, but it is practically impossible to find free icetime. If you are not on a team, public skates on the wekends are it, or outside rinks which global warming has all but wiped out.

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I'm spoiled. I have one 2-sheet rink 2 mins away (I could walk there if I wanted). Plus I have another (one sheet) 10mins South and one (two sheet) 10mins North. Plus, there is a mini-rink NTR facility 5mins away. Like I said, I'm spoiled.

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Does anyone have a hard time making it to the rink on a regular basis?

I'm a beginner and i'm looking to get better, but its just rough to get to the rink.

I live in a suburb of Pittsburgh and there is no rink in my town, so its a 30 minute drive just to get to stick/puck.  With gas prices at almost $3 a gallon - that further complicates matters

If I had a rink in my town I would go multiple times per week, but I find myself only going to the rink every once or two weeks.

:blink: $3 a gallon?!?!?! OMG!!! :angry: Here in the uk its $2 a LITRE.

1 US gallons = 3.7854118 litre That means we're paying $7.57 a gallon.

$2 a litre? holy fuck

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45 minutes to a crappy one where everyone skates with ankles touching the ice...

hour drive to the nice one for stick/puck and games. supposed to be getting a 2.5 sheet rink about 20 mins from the house soon though. (charlotte NC)

but i get 40mpg in my car so that's good.

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Does anyone have a hard time making it to the rink on a regular basis?

I'm a beginner and i'm looking to get better, but its just rough to get to the rink.

I live in a suburb of Pittsburgh and there is no rink in my town, so its a 30 minute drive just to get to stick/puck.  With gas prices at almost $3 a gallon - that further complicates matters

If I had a rink in my town I would go multiple times per week, but I find myself only going to the rink every once or two weeks.

:blink: $3 a gallon?!?!?! OMG!!! :rolleyes: Here in the uk its $2 a LITRE.

1 US gallons = 3.7854118 litre That means we're paying $7.57 a gallon.

Actually you are paying the exact same amount for the gas as we do. What more you pay is your goverment taxes. Got to blame your government.

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Actually you are paying the exact same amount for the gas as we do. What more you pay is your goverment taxes. Got to blame your government.

exactly... i read on the side of the pump here in NC that over $1.70 per gallon is taxes.

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