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Bauer Vapor XX vs. XXX stick

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I found a site online that is selling the Vapor XX and the Vapor XXX sticks for the same price, $99.99. I found this to be odd. Can anyone tell me the main differences in the stick? I assume that the XXX is supposed to be better? I know that it's lighter for one.

Just trying to figure out which of these to buy since they are the same price.

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I found a site online that is selling the Vapor XX and the Vapor XXX sticks for the same price, $99.99. I found this to be odd. Can anyone tell me the main differences in the stick? I assume that the XXX is supposed to be better? I know that it's lighter for one.

Just trying to figure out which of these to buy since they are the same price.

xxx has grip9sticum) and some xx has stick um(mostly pro stock)

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I found a site online that is selling the Vapor XX and the Vapor XXX sticks for the same price, $99.99.  I found this to be odd.  Can anyone tell me the main differences in the stick?  I assume that the XXX is supposed to be better?  I know that it's lighter for one.

Just trying to figure out which of these to buy since they are the same price.

xxx has grip9sticum) and some xx has stick um(mostly pro stock)

Both have stick'um grip. The XX is the model that came out before the XXX. It has the wavebridge blade and is a fused OPS. It is also heavier than the XXX. The XXX is a true one piece. It is lighter. Durablity wise I think the XXX is a better stick at least it was for me. If you can get the XXX in your curve/flex . I would go for it.

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The XXX's were nice but IMO the XX had way better durability. I still have my original XX from three years ago when they first came out.

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I'd bet its performance died a long time ago, though. All OPS have life and then they die. The problem is that they usually break before you get the chance to feel them die. Sad but true.

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The XXX's were nice but IMO the XX had way better durability. I still have my original XX from three years ago when they first came out.

I agree, the XX had pretty decent durability as well as being a nice looking stick. Although the XXX wasn't too bad either. The XXX lite, way different story. They all seem to break right between the B and the A in the word Bauer. I'm fixing 3 of them as we speak, all broke in same spot.

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I've used both the XX and the XXX thought they were both decent sticks durabilty wise, still have the XX, just didnt like the feel of either.The XXX lite totally different, my favorite OPS, but durability is awful.2 of the 3 XXX lites "jimmy" is fixing are mine, broke two in two days.

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