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A bad coach

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This year we had the shittiest coach possible.. everyone hated him i mean everyone hated him.. and he had no respect for anyone on our team, parents, players no one. Before i game he had sat me out(i had to take stats in the bleachers) cuz i went for a shit before the game and stunk up the room and he said i have no respect for the people that clean the rooms and the poeple that get dressed in the rooms so i just gave up on him and took stats for the rest of the year( i missed 13 games.. yes 13 games i couldnt stand it).. what do you do in situations like that not like mine ( the shit story) but what do you recomend to do with a coach like that or any shitty coach...?

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This isn't what you're going to want to hear, but you're pretty much stuck with him. If you can go play for a different organization, I'd look into that option. Unless the overwhelming majority of parents hate him too, I can't see much being done. I'd have a meeting with all of the parents and players, just not the coaches. See where everyone else stands. If everyone really does hate him, then I think your organization will have to listen to that. I had the biggest piece of shit for a coach my last four years, and unfortunately there wasn't much that could be done about it. He was s'ing the president of the organization's d pretty bad, so the organization wouldn't do anything. You might just have to suck it up. Its shitty, I know, but if it comes to that just keep playing. No matter how bad he is, you still love to play (hopefully), and that'll outweigh everything else. I know it did for me.

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Now THAT must have been some dump!

So that was what happened last year. Did you get onto another team for next year? Now that you know what the coach is like, you know what they say: fool me once--shame on you, fool me twice--shame on me!

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Why are you going to shit in your own dressingroom.. They always told me to do it in the other team's dressing room.

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Ok first of all LMAO at the story! :lol:

But is this guy an idiot? Why do they put toilets in changing rooms and not urineals. So people can take a dump if need be! People have done this loads of times at my games and we just laugh it off! Its not that big a deal? Think ur coach needs to read that book....... you know the one..... "Everyone poop's!" :P

But to be honest i dont think you should have "Gave up on him." Coz u didnt give up on him....... You gave up on hockey! Personally i couldnt do that. No matter how much i dislike the coach.

I had a problem with a coach this season! Our regular coach got an eight game ban due to us having a bench clearence (Will post video soon LOL) and for whatever reason this coach disliked me. Always had something to say, NEVER POSITIVE. Gave me crappy ice time. This guy pissed me off so much I even spoke too my teams league rivals about joining them! I tryed speaking to him and being honest with him. Asking him why he seems to dislike me. He mannaged to brush the question aside. And say i have never done a breakout all year and got his white board out and decided to show me what a break out is........ <_<

But throughout all of this i just bit the bullet! I carryed on playing even under his rain of terror because i love the game!

fuk the coach! Go out there every shift and work hard! Make things happen! Play hard enough and you will forget he is even there!

Good luck with his problem bud!

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^^ Like he said, you gave up on hockey and you also gave up on yourself. A good coach will push you to your limits. He'll get you to reach your full potential. Sometimes, you need to want it so bad that you'll be willing to deal with a jerk coach. Kosy had the right attitude in his situation: he loved the game and continued to play despite hating the coach. If the coach seems to dislike you, cuts your minutes down, etc., you need to show him something to change his mind. Show him that you want to improve and really contribute to the team. Swallow your pride and buck up. Work hard and soon enough you'll be out of the doghouse.

Then again some people are just pricks and should'n't have any form of authority ever. If all the other stuff doesn't get through to him, he's probably one too.

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no its midget AAA competitve hockey and the thing is that hes coaching next year too.. and the things is i gave him everything i had.. he just said i didnt like to follow the rules.. like when we go out for supper its all pre made meals and i dont like that i want to eat what i want and they dont let me and im diabetic and when my sugar was reallyt really low cuz i had cut down so much and what i was eating he wouldnt let me eat something to boost it back up like wtf is that.. i just had enough with one another he started getting personal with my family and my girl too so i just didnt want any part of it after that

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i say take a alumminum shaft and wrap it around his neck mayb and he could smartin up u never know. or u could go with the crappy way and suck it up and if \you make it in hockey go to him and say dont you hate when you screw up.

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Wow - really great advice in this thread. There's two things I'd like to add into the mix:

You won't like the first one: Treat every criticism people give you as a gift: even when they are principally wrong, there is invariably some truth to what they are saying. Even more so when it zings you. Someone once told me that the only way something someone says about you hurts/angers you is if deep down you feel there's some "truth" to it. Otherwise, you wouldn't be so affected by it...you'd just blow it off as a jerky comment that had nothing to do with you. So, you probably DO have some issues with following rules or being just one blended member of a team; so you might want to take a look at that.

But this does NOT include medical concerns or conditions. You really need to make sure this is laid out VERY clearly. As the coach thinks you have an attitude problem, I'd probably have your parents lay it out or better yet, a Dr's note to make it clear this is a serious medical concern.

The second bit is about swallowing your pride and not allowing jerky people, or your reaction to jerky people, get in the way of your goals. And that is easy to say and ultimately harder to do. We will all have to deal with difficult people at various times in our lives and there is a knack to it. It is worth learning how to "give space to the shit and focus on your goals"

Generally speakiing, this coach humiliated and embarrassed you in front of your team and in "losing face" you took your hurt and anger and outrage and picked up your marbles and stomped out of the game. Kind of an "I'll show you, I'm not going to take this; I'm not playing for you again". This is a very natural reaction. But as others have pointed out, ultimately you got in your own way and didn't get what you wanted - assuming your goal is to play hockey. You DID get to spend a chunk of the season feeling righteously angry in the stands, but I don't think that is what YOU wanted to get out of it.

In "letting things go", especially hurt and anger, what I have found works is to look at things from a point of view of "effective" or "not effective" rather than "right" or "wrong". It is all too easy to get sucked into feeling righteous, especially when we have been "wronged".

You'll find it is easier to let go and give some space to the shit if you step back from it and ask:

Forgetting about what is "right" and "wrong" in this situation, what is the most effective thing I can do to ensure I meet my goals?

And go do that. Faking it for a while until it begins to work is sometimes useful.

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Hmm... Last time I had a coach I didn't like was in Bantam, I was the team's second leading goal scorer like 15 games into the season and his new assistant decided that I wasn't good enough to play on the powerplay or in the last 5 minutes of every game, I just put up with it (although I just became the bitter player I knocked out his son in a locker box). my dad basically b*tched the guy out a the end of the season. now i'm on to bigger and better things.

my advice is to try and put up with it as hard as that might be. if the coach is really bad try looking for another team or tell the parents association or boosters about it.

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O.K. first of all take an even bigger shit before a game, tell him that it was you and say "how you like dem apples bitch!" and walk out

But seriously hasn't he heard of pre-gamers damn! They get you loose. But if he's that big of a prick to do that I would find another organization and play for them(maybe a rival team).

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see thats the thing we have one organisation here.. i live in a small town, and i was thrid top scorer of my team i had 28 goals and 9 assists in 17 games. I had the highest shot percentage on the team and like i was playing my balls out but he still couldnt find a spot on any line for me like fuck i was ready to play goalie..

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see thats the thing we have one organisation here.. i live in a small town, and i was thrid top scorer of my team i had 28 goals and 9 assists in 17 games. I had the highest shot percentage on the team and like i was playing my balls out but he still couldnt find a spot on any line for me like fuck i was ready to play goalie..

28 goals and 9 assists? maybe you should try passing the puck.

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You know, you could try another approach here. You could eat two heaping plates of beans for breakfast before each and every game!

Beans, Beans, the musical fruit! The more you eat, the more you toot! The more you toot, the better you feel! So eat'chur beans with every meal!

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see thats the thing we have one organisation here.. i live in a small town, and i was thrid top scorer of my team i had 28 goals and 9 assists in 17 games.  I had the highest shot percentage on the team and like i was playing my balls out but he still couldnt find a spot on any line for me like fuck i was ready to play goalie..

28 goals and 9 assists? maybe you should try passing the puck.

what is your HONEST opinion of your attitude? I've coached kids who were great players but had crappy attitudes. These kids don't last long on teams.

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none of those goals were amazing goals..as soon as theres an opening i shoot no matter if sometimes the best play would be to try and squeeze the puck to ur player i just hammer a snapper or slapper right in the net.. my biggest asset is my shot i can wire and aim really well.. and i did say that i had the highest shot percentage on the team.. thats why i have so many goals.

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and as for my attitude, i didnt say nothing in the room, i listened to the music stayed calm.. and the only guy i like to get mad or mess around with was the bus driver.. becuase ive known him since ive been young.. and this guy just stepped in like 3/4 in thru the year he didnt know me he was from outta town and never seen us play before but as soon as he came in he ruled the world.. thats what ticked me off but i still played the same game.. but he said i didnt have my heart at the right spot about 4 games after he started coach he said i wasnt a determined hockey player i took my talent for granted, so i tried harder then he started getting personal said very unnecessary comments and everything and since he coached us he mooved to town and he was a religion teacher at school and i seen him everyday and he always gave my jerk ass looks and shit.. i never did anything to him nor to the other coachs or my team mates ;)

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