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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Computer troubles

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i don't know if this is a common laptop problem, but i have a compaq and when its plugged in the screens nice and bright, but when its unpluged and running off battery power, the screens darker. and the weird thing is, sometimes when it's shut off and i move it to a new outlet and start it back up, it'll be reversed, where when it's plugged in, it'll be dark, and when its not plugged in, it'll be bright. does anyone know a solution to this problem, or is it just natural when it comes to laptops?

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what should i be looking to change specifically? i tried adjusting the brightness, but that just made the screen brighter in a white sense.

and for power options, there's nothing about the display. it just lists alarms, times for when the computer goes on standby or the monitor turns off etc.

this is a real pain in the ass, because i hate turning the laptop on and off while unplugging and plugging the power cord into the laptop to see if the screen will go back to being bright.

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