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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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End Cap

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I have one of those black plastic end caps in the end of my stick that keeps coming loose and wiggling out because i barely used any glue to keep it in and i do not have any more so my question is can you use just a regular glue stick like one used for a glue gun or do you have to have that kind you can buy at your lhs or is there any other way to keep it in there?

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You could just slap a strip of tape over it and then tape the butt end up.

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Why would you try the more difficult solution first? Heh, just put a piece of tape looped over it taping it to the sided of the stick.


| | Like that over the stick with the plade pointing towards or away from you.

| | (ie. the wider part of the shaft)

Don't mind the period, I had to add it to align the top with the sides of the mock stick.

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i just use the glue gun sticks. Its super easy, works great, and is prolly cheaper then anything you'll buy at the LHS. There are certainly easier ways, but i've found the glue sticks and a little heat from the propane torch work great.

you might just want to use the glue gun if your working on a tiny end plug though, dont wanna melt the plastic.

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