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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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TPS HGT is one of the best gloves ever made,IMO.

And for the record its spelled Board, not bored. ;)

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MIA, Eagle, or Easton Z-Air

Whats recomended around the boreds

what price range are u looking for?

it all depends on that too.

i mean eagles if ur looking to spend a lot(150+$)

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What are the pro's and con's about the gloves

durability, weight, etc.

What gloves? Need to more specific, so people can answer your questions right.

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It all depends on what you like as far as fit. try to get to a LHS that carries them and try them on. I haven't tried on MIA's, but I think Eagles are one of the best fitting gloves on the market, and Eastons seem to run a bit tight, but it's all PP. I'm currently using Easton's synergy 700, but in a 15 inch, whereas I usually wear a 14 inch glove. (I've had about 4 pairs of missions, which generally have an open/oversized feel to them)

Just a few other gloves you may want to look at: I also like the Tour G7 series. The fit is similar to the eagles, they're just as light, and you can save a few bucks on them, but you don't get many choices for colors. Even the middle grade Tour H-10s are nice. Also, hockeymonkey has pro stock mission gloves for $70, which offer pro level protection and are lightweight as well.

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Go try them on and pick the one's you feel fit you the best. I recently went shopping for all the big name brands at top of the line level annd pricing and ended up picking DR 4500 classic fit at half the price as they were on sale and I have no regrets whatsoever

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My personal opinion, I prefer my MIA's over any other pair of gloves I have onwed in the past :D

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