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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Hockey Visor Question

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Hi. A long time ago I purchased something similar you see in the link below. I found this thing in my closet and was wondering if it would be legal in the PIHL to replace the scratched up, fogged up crap visor with a kick A$$ oakley visor. Just please tell me it is legal, I will try to fit it on the cage myself.Cage/Visor

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Thanks for the reply, just forget about the fitting problem, I'll take care of that myself. And yes, it would be modifing equipment. Is that bad? Considering that the visor I had with this cage fogged up every 2 seconds and was a piece of crap.

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Thanks for the suggestion. But the problem is that Itech visors are not good. I have a bauer helmet which came with its own cage, I took off that cage and put in a cage from a different manufacturer. That is modifiying equipment and the refs in the PIHL (Pennsylvania Interscholastic Hockey League) really didn't care. Why should they care if I modify my piece of crap visor/cage combo?

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Thanks for the suggestion. But the problem is that Itech visors are not good. I have a bauer helmet which came with its own cage, I took off that cage and put in a cage from a different manufacturer. That is modifiying equipment and the refs in the PIHL (Pennsylvania Interscholastic Hockey League) really didn't care. Why should they care if I modify my piece of crap visor/cage combo?

If you try it (and they let it go) post pics of your Frankensteined visor/cage.

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Thanks for the suggestion. But the problem is that Itech visors are not good. I have a bauer helmet which came with its own cage, I took off that cage and put in a cage from a different manufacturer. That is modifiying equipment and the refs in the PIHL (Pennsylvania Interscholastic Hockey League) really didn't care. Why should they care if I modify my piece of crap visor/cage combo?

The new cage was certified, putting a different visor in a combo unit is not certified. The refs should care because it's their job to know the rules and enforce them.

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Thanks for the suggestion. But the problem is that Itech visors are not good.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      I have a bauer helmet which came with its own cage, I took off that cage and put in a cage from a different manufacturer. That is modifiying equipment and the refs in the PIHL (Pennsylvania Interscholastic Hockey League) really didn't care. Why should they care if I modify my piece of crap visor/cage combo?

Swapping cages isn't modifying equipment as a cage and a helmet are two different pieces of equipment. The Itech combo you have is meant to work as a single unit- as one individual piece of equipment, specially designed and certified to properly protect you when used properly. By modiying a visor of any kind, you may compromise its structural integrity, thereby sacrificing the safety it offers from pucks, errant sticks, etc.

Besides, If the Itech fogs, the Oakley will too. It's possible that you're not wearing your helmet properly and it's not getting proper ventilation. Try changing the angle of the visor relative to your face by wearing the helmet higher or lower on your forehead. I've got an Itech 1/2 shield that used to fog like a mofo, because i used to wear it high in order to keep the fogged visor out of my way (vicious cycle, eh?) Now that I've properly adjusted the visor I have no problems with it whatsoever.

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