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NHL Schedule is out.

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I'm really pissed. The Flyers NEVER play on my birthday.

EDIT - On the bright side, I will get to see Bobby Ryan play the Flyers once this season. That is, if he makes the team, which I highly doubt he won't.

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What do you think is the easiest way to get tickets to a toronto home game in november?

Buy them?

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I'm really pissed. The Flyers NEVER play on my birthday.

EDIT - On the bright side, I will get to see Bobby Ryan play the Flyers once this season. That is, if he makes the team, which I highly doubt he won't.

same here, the flyers have never had a HOME game on my birthday

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It sounds like the caps are making a trip up the west coast, cause they're coming to Vancouver too...I haven't looked at the other west coast teams, but if they're in Van and Colorado, that'll be a tough string of games.

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Damn, I was hoping for Islanders/Rangers at yankee stadium...guess they couldn't plan it quick enough...here's hoping for next season

that game still has a chance of happening. when i first read about it they said that it could take a few months to hammer out the details and if it all does work out one of the rangers/isles games will just be moved and played at yankee stadium. changing the schedule for one game isnt that big of a challenge. also if yankee stadium doesnt work out couldnt they try shea. never been to new york so i have no idea what each stadium looks like but im sure shea could work, i just think it has less seating.

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it could work at shea, i mean, any baseball field can easily hold a hockey rink. Yankee stadium would just be a better venue because...well...its Yankee stadium.

And newsday(local paper) reported that they're going to wait until next season to do it so they have time to plan

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Why do some teams never play each other? Did they do away with playig every team at least once? That is so not cool that the wings will never step foot in Florida. Anybody have a reason why?

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They play 2 divisions in the opposite confrence. 1 division will be all at home, the other will be all on the road. They did away with the 1 game per team a little while ago. I miss it, I wish everyteam had a home and home.

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