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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Bauer XX -vs- Bauer 8090

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Just wanted a comparision of the two skates....How is the fit of the 8090 compared to the XX is it wider, more narrow?...Which skate is lighter, which is more durable? Just want a basic comparision of the two skates...Thanks

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Yeah. I had to settle for the XXs because my feet couldn't fit in 8090s (8090s wider than XXs). It's a shame because the 8090s are a little lighter and much more durable than XXs...just didn't fit my feet very well!

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The 8090 is Bauer's wide and deep fitting skate. The Vapor line is a more traditional Bauer narrow fit.

The 8090 has a reputation for being a durable skate. The Vapor XX line has a reputation for breaking down very quickly.

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The biggest problem I had with the 8090's were in the forefoot, right where the tongue attaches to the toe cap. There was about 1/4 inch between the top of my foot and the toe cap. Way too much room, and no way to fill it in. Simply could not have ever been comfortable in them, even though they fit well everywhere else.

Had Vapor THG's, which fit just like Vapor XX's. They were almost perfect, if not just a hair too narrow.

Had XIX's and now have XXX's. Both these are pretty much perfect.

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The biggest problem I had with the 8090's were in the forefoot, right where the tongue attaches to the toe cap. There was about 1/4 inch between the top of my foot and the toe cap. Way too much room, and no way to fill it in. Simply could not have ever been comfortable in them, even though they fit well everywhere else.

Had Vapor THG's, which fit just like Vapor XX's. They were almost perfect, if not just a hair too narrow.

Had XIX's and now have XXX's. Both these are pretty much perfect.

same here...

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