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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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they cant find financial info if its not on ur computer.

i have none on mine

Never bought anything on your computer? Never used a credit card, or used a bank account for paypal or something? If not, good.

nope i mostly use my dads computerfor that stuff

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then if Housecall's scanner isn't very good

do show me what is better

Housecall is the best online scanner there is. But there are limits to what it can do remotley. Your best bet is getting a good antivirus program, If you dont wanna p ay, get a program like AVG by Grisoft. You can always move to Linux...

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they cant find financial info if its not on ur computer.

i have none on mine

Never bought anything on your computer? Never used a credit card, or used a bank account for paypal or something? If not, good.

nope i mostly use my dads computerfor that stuff


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viruses from Limewire?

I've been using Limewire Pro for a while now and my computer is fine and I don't even use anti-virus.. just the occasional spybot scan and adaware scan

How do you know you dont have a virus? Not all viruses are doom and gloom windows crashing viruses. The best viruses written are the ones you don't know you have. Hit this up, Im gonna bet you have at least 5 detectavle viruses. But this scanner isnt even very good.

Hey vapor if i did that scan it wouldnt affect any other anti virus programs i'm running would it? (Norton's)

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No, not at all. It is a good idea to use multiple virus scanning programs, but its not good to have two on a system, because they will compete, and sometimes they will even see each other as malware. Its good to have a remote and a local scanner.

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i don't know.

i've been using limewire pro + torrents for a long time now and i have no viruses at all. nor any spyware.

you have to be an idiot while using a p2p to get viruses and f*ck up your computer. just use common sense and download files that you know are real and safe.

Tell me please how you can tell a safe file from a non safe one. I can in about 20 seconds embed any file in any media file (such as a picture, song, or video). All you have to do is pen up a raw hex editor and paste the code from that file right into the other file, its really as simple as that. When the media file is launched so is the embeded file (maybe a virus, a trojan) and you, the user, do not know anything about it. I could throw a root kit in there and have root (admin) access to your computer and do ANYTHING I wanted. It is seriously that easy. That is why most blackhats love windows.

i don't know. i'm pretty good at avoiding those files i guess.

i only really use limewire for audio files, never for pictures, video or software (must use torrents for those).

the worst i've had from an audio file was a corrupted version put on by the RIAA, ex: normal song except half way through you get that irritating sound repeating over and over again.

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