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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Radius/pitch/profile confusion

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Mission is the only company with an 11' radius cut in their steel.

Mission PITCH is only 11' from sizes 288 to 296. The 280 and 272s are 10' and 254 and 263 is 9'

Hmm, thank you. What would a Size 287 steel from CCM be on E-Blades then?

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How exactly do you physically measure the radius?

With radius tools! :lol: I use radius shaping dies from my old Dupliskate sharpener and radius machine. There are commercial ones available. Still, they are crude templates for measuring and will give you a ballpark of what the radius is close too. Since they are usually only avail in even radius, say 9' and 10', if your skate has a 9.27, you have no way of knowing exactly. Once a skate has been sharpened, it's even more difficult to measue because of flat spots, reverse radiuses, and basically the contour ruined by a sharpener.

Poor mans version is to coat your blade with oil and tap it lightly on a flat surface, then measure the wet spot.

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God, trust the UK to have "professionals" to run the LHS...

Mmmmm Is that a dig at the UK ?


Only for how they treat hockey. No knowledge, no passion, nothing! Hahaha

Yup thats kind of true.

I just wish i can get hold of 3 suppliers over here in the UK or id be away on my own!

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