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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Dan Costanza's new league

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I cant decide if I want to play year round roller in this league that Dan Costanaza just started - League

Or if I want to play midget majors for ice. No matter what I'll be playing varsity highschool. So I wont be off the ice completly if I go the roller route.

Any of you doing this new league, heard anything, suggestions?


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Sorry that I'm bumping this, but I'm just now getting a chance to visit the board after a long, long while.

Anyways, my buddy is a referee at hat trick, and he might be reffing this new league. I quickly dismissed it, but people are actually getting excited about it, despite the high costs and such. If you recall, they tried to do something like this a long while back with rinks from rockford, Bloomington, Elgin, and I think St. Charles. My brother played, and said it was so disorganized, it was a waste of time. This looks to be pretty interesting though.

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If there's any way to help it along, I say do it. The SoCal Elite league that went belly up did the worst case things, like putting the games in the Ahaheim Convention Center, where the parking was more expensive than a new house. MONSTER OVERHEAD, EVEN WITH PRO CHEERLEADERS!!!

But, it was the best gathering of excellent players that I've ever seen. Of course I haven't been around for some of the other better done leagues.

Since the games didn't travel, there was no home team spirit. And there certainly wasn't a fraction of the attendence needed to cover the nut.

There are tons of pro players from around here and some brought in, like JP Bilstein, who can talk about this much better and more intelligently than me.

Bit it was the best chance I'd ever had to get my product around that many top players that easily. It helped me develop my product and it's exposure. This part is great for the whole industry.

It also brought in some ice players to roller for their first experience with the sport.

Kids coming up in the sport need to have a destination, so they don't think they have to give up roller to keep moving in hockey.

Every attempt is good and the better the attempt, the better it is for the sport. And the ice doesn't go away.

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Every attempt is good and the better the attempt, the better it is for the sport. And the ice doesn't go away.

This has got to be the best statement on any kind of Inline league I have ever heard of. Cheers to you Sprungster!

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League fees are $995?!?

Not that I qualify anyhow (I'm an old dude) but ... lordy that's expensive!  :rolleyes:

NOOOOOO not anything near expensive if we were to do travel or majors.

Edit -- Plus you get two jerseys and pants.

Plus all the rink time its a really good deal

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[if you recall, they tried to do something like this a long while back with rinks from rockford, Bloomington, Elgin, and I think St. Charles. My brother played, and said it was so disorganized, it was a waste of time

Yeah the "Old Man' At the Dome worked his ass off to make this happen. He actually got all the poeple togther to make it happen then the people who were running the other facilities just balied.

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Yeah the "Old Man' At the Dome worked his ass off to make this happen. He actually got all the poeple togther to make it happen then the people who were running the other facilities just balied

Thats what I heard, but here (Bloomington) we support it all the way and have wanted it to be a success for a long time

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