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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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a question with baking skates

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i had my s500s baked when i got them and only used them a few times on ice (i prefer my pureflys).

I have now converted these to roller with rocker chassis but would like to have them baked again do i need to take the wheels out?

Also is it okay to stand up when i have them molded standing on a bare chassis keeping in mind the rocker is a plastic material.

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Really? I was always told that wheels can go squishy and change shape abit, but i supose your the expert, are there any wheels at all where you would need to take them off when baking?

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Well, it depends on where you're baking, I guess... I do at-home baking, in the oven, and a friend left his wheels on and they melted to the cookie sheet... so, I take mine off.. what's it hurt to be safe?

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Well if you cook your skates at home, that doesn't count...You know you void all warranties if you do it that way.

Wheels will not need to be taken of if you use a official skate oven..

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Out of curiosity, could you explain the difference between a home oven and a skate oven... don't they serve the same purpose?

One is designed for making cookies and cakes while the other is purpose-built to mold skates. ;)

Direct - vs - convection heat.

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