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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Micro Bearing Wheels?

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Are there any micro bearing wheels out there besides rink rats that are worth a look at? I've been going through my Rink Rats so quickly recently I want to give something else a try. What does everyone recommend?

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Are there any micro bearing wheels out there besides rink rats that are worth a look at? I've been going through my Rink Rats so quickly recently I want to give something else a try. What does everyone recommend?

how much do you weigh and which hardness rink rats are you using? have you tried bumping up the hardness? i tried a friends hornets that were 76A and they were way too soft for my weight and style. i wound up getting the 80A hornets and they are spot on and last. i know you're using something like the 816 since they are micro, but i think they offer the same hardness choices. good luck.

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Great deal, I'll need to pick some up - does the Rollerhockey forum need it's own good deal thread?

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Great deal, I'll need to pick some up - does the Rollerhockey forum need it's own good deal thread?

I doubt it, seeing as how we use alot of the same equipment.

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