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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Bye Tacks Hello RBK's

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Hi folks.

After two pair of 652's and one pair of 852 Tacks, yesterday I bought a pair of RBK 9k pumps. I must be crazy, but the RBK's fit so well on my feet.

As most of us know Tacks are a wide, but shallow skate. The RBK's have similar width, but there is more volume to accommodate my high instep/arch.

Also, to help with my boney ankles the pump feature really fills in the gap between my ankle bone and achilles tendon.

As skates were baked yesterday afternoon I couldn't play on them last night so it was a fitting farewell to my Tacks that I had a great game.

Time to turn the page (and stop thinking about how much I paid for the 9k's).

The wife gave me a hard time when I told her I wanted to buy a motorcycle so I guess the 9k' will be my new wheels for now. :D

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Time to turn the page (and stop thinking about how much I paid for the 9k's).

The wife gave me a hard time when I told her I wanted to buy a motorcycle so I guess the 9k' will be my new wheels for now. :D

haha, that's the way how to do it! Our wives have been using that trick for years. :D The worse is when they get that ad for the $199 diamond bracelet at Zales, then when you get to the store, your final bill is $3500. :o

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when I went from my 652's to my 9k's I felt that I had to learn how to skate all over again. The E-pros felt different than the pro-lites, the boot was alot stiffer and I had to skate more aggresively in them. Now that I am used to them I love them. Light, protective and responsive.

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I went to a public skate today to use my 9k's for the first time. I'd say the transition took me about 15 minutes frontwards and about 30 minutes backwards.

This skate fits me so much better than my old Tacks that I can actually have quite an aggressive toe kick at the end of my stride. On my Tacks that would cause the tongue to twist toward the outside of my skate.

I also didn't have to tie them and untie them about five times per foot...another sign the depth is good. Before the top of my foot would be higher than the laces so I had to be extra careful ensuring the lace tension was correct.

As for the Eblade vs. the ProLite, I didn't think much about it to be honest. I'm a boot geek, not a holder freak. I'm just happy I upgraded from a good fit to a great one!


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