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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Sprung Hockey

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haha well they obviously dont have them in stock either

haha I should've known you tried that already. Really? They don't either? I haven't checked yet but I was looking at them too. Well if someone knows where to get some let me know too. hahaha

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haha I should've known you tried that already. Really? They don't either? I haven't checked yet but I was looking at them too. Well if someone knows where to get some let me know too. hahaha

Keith the owner, said they should be available the first part of October.

You should be able to contact him through the Sprung website or here.

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When you put the sprung frames on, do you have to re-rivet them or can you just use like screws with washers or something similar?

Read thru the thread. THere are ways to do it with tnuts and bolts

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Nope, only could use one of the existing holes on each skate. Otherwise, they are all new holes. I worked with a friend of mine at LHS to do the install with a rivet machine. Rivets allow you to keep the hole size quite small vs the t-nuts and hex bolts. But you do lose the option of removing them easily.

I used all 4 rear mounts with coppers and 2 of the 6 in the front with coppers for a more solid mount.

Good luck with yours.

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Is there a certain way you are supposed to drill the holes?

There are no specific "way" to drill those holes... other then they should be as straight or rather perpendicular as possible to the outsoul (that only makes sense). Now that being said, if the hole happens to be really close to the edge of the outsoul, then you may want to drill the hole with a bit of an angle as to miss the quarter panel of the boot on the inside.

The size of the hole would be dictated by what mounting hardware you are using. If you are using T-nuts then the holes would need to be big enough to fit them through. If you are using rivets, then a smaller hole could be used. Basically just big enough for the rivet stem.

There is a fairly good youtube video that shows someone installing a set of Sprung's with T-nuts. We found it was less intrusive to the outsoul to use rivets, as the holes were quite a bit smaller. But not everyone has access to a rivet machine and you also lose that "ease" of removing the chassis at a later time.

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Ok thanks. Only reason I ask that because the guys at my LHS were saying it's a pain in the ass to do it.

Guys at your LHS are bitches... its not difficult to do. Fastest conversion I've done myself at home with tnuts is 30mins.

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So here's what's up in Sprunglandia. We're currently negotiating a couple of licensed manufacturer/seller partnerships with some groups that are already in the ice and roller business. Any one of these deals will make it all much easier for Sprung to design the future of inline, and have the industry sales experience and bucks to get the products out there like a normal company, instead of one pair at a time with a great warranty. We'll keep the great warranty. Sprung with bucks and real reps! What a concept.

And how does this affect pre-orders? First of all, if you sent in a pre-order for A6Xs or A6X arm/spring sets, or A7s, consider your order paid for except for the shipping. Those who want to and can, get the best deal in Sprung history. I've already returned quite a few deposits to some sad players who would much rather have had the order filled even close to the predicted time. If you canceled your order and this message makes you even more grumpy, I understand. If you want to re-instate your order and get the good deal ASAP, you can put it back again.

As for the production run, etc., I just got the final A6X drawings and I'm waiting for a bud to open them up so we can look at them to make sure they are right. As soon as I can OK them this week, the mods will get done quickly and we will get LOADS of samples. The rest of the production run will probably be done right after the A6X test runs and my approval of the product. Not this week. Not next week, either. I'll let you know when I do, cause I'll be there.

The files I received include the A6X and A7 ProE files so that we can get started on the design drawings for the mag alloy arms. Progress through Partnership.

I never wanted to be a wholesaler or retailer, myself, and I am way looking forward to having people much, much better than me doing it instead.

Thanks, Keith

213 400 9881

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Hey Keith, I just got a7s from a member here. They're for a friend. I was wondering though, how common is it for the arms to break? And where can he get replacements? Those were his only concerns after I showed him this thread. Thanks you!

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Hey Keith, I just got a7s from a member here. They're for a friend. I was wondering though, how common is it for the arms to break? And where can he get replacements? Those were his only concerns after I showed him this thread. Thanks you!

We still have plenty of A7/8 arms in stock, because it is very hard to break one and there have only been a hand full of warranty replacements.

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