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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Rabid Ranger

Shin pain

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I apologize if this topic has been covered before, but I couldn't find anyhting like it through searching. Here's the problem:

I bought a brand new pair of CCM 1052s and I'm starting to experience some severe pain in my right shin. The tendon guard is so stiff that there is no movement, meaning my foot/shin is being pressed forward against the tongue. I feel like my shin is being "pinched" all the time, making it very painful to push off/skate. Is there anything I can do to the skate to relieve the pain? Am I wearing my shin guards incorrectly?

Thanks in advance.

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I'm not quite sure what's the holder and steel has to do with it. I'm guessing since they're new, everything isn't quite broken in yet so it's stiff, hence the rubbing. Try curling your tongue a bit, or try not lacing the skates all the way up if you are. Maybe also try stick your shinpad under the tongue when you gear up.

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I'm not quite sure what's the holder and steel has to do with it. I'm guessing since they're new, everything isn't quite broken in yet so it's stiff, hence the rubbing. Try curling your tongue a bit, or try not lacing the skates all the way up if you are. Maybe also try stick your shinpad under the tongue when you gear up.

Well as for the holdeer runner combo. It was about that time they swithed the steel to have a more reverse lean.

That would cause strain in the tounge area if you were leaning forward and the tongue was pushing in.

Pushing the tongue forward will do nothing but happen that problem. You would need to make sure the holder runner combo has enough blade on the ice and a lean of neutral or lean forward....

once that has been established then I would see how things are.

I always recommend that you have your tongue under your shin pad for the most flexability.

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