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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Air Conditioner Help

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My A/C is on the fritz...its making all the noise an air conditioner is supposed to make, but its not sucking nor blowing air out, cold or hot. It was working fine yesterday, I turned it off last night and now its not workin. It used to make a loud beep when I'd press the buttons to change a setting or whatever, but now its just making a barely audible beep. Any ideas? Did it die? :(

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maybe something in the duct is blocking the airway or u don't have the duct in the proper place that's all my knowledge can take me

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Ive had a problem like this too. If my room gets too cold, and i mean when its on high cool, then the unit doesnt do anything. I usually have to turn it off and wait. How old is it

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Its like three years old and it was off all day today while my room was like 85 degrees (attic room). Usually I run it full blast with the thermostat set at like 65.

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Listen bud, i just went through your posts and they're all 2-3 word replies that add absolutely nothing to the conversation. If your going to post and help someone GREAT. But dont jsut put up your useless posts too increase post count.

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