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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Sakic Koho Hyper K Shaft ?

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There was a guy using one at "open hockey" the other night. Does anyone know anything about this ? I think it's an 01'-02' koho model...it was pretty beatup,but I could make-out "sakic" stamped on the shaft along with #19.I know it's been a few years since this shaft model came out,but does anyone remember seeing Joe use this stick.He's been with easton for aslong as I can remember. I was just curious if there was any info

I know his brother played minor hockey at some point.Could it have been his ? does/did her wear #19 too


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Pros use all kinds of stuff that you will never see usually during training camp.

That being said I did see Sakic trying out that shaft years ago during pre season.

I have seen Rob Blake Mission Hex-1 grips and other out of the usual stuff as well ...

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I do know that sakic used the Hyper K shaft during practice as i recall seeing photos on maybe sportsline. They had a bunch of avs practice photos. I remember sayin to myself wtf, sakic with a hyper K.

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speaking of the Hyper K, weren't there two versions. One with yellow outlines and the other with red outline graphics ? I think they had different types of graphite.

Also, I could never understand while the blade end of the shaft wall bulged out so much, was it just reinforced there ?

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