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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Skate Boot Stretching

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Has anyone had any experience with stretching their skates to gain a bit more room. I skate in Graf 705's with a light sock liner, but when I put on a heavier sock to play pond hockey in the Winter the skates are tight. What is the process, how long does it take, and can it damage the boot?


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Has anyone had any experience with stretching their skates to gain a bit more room. I skate in Graf 705's with a light sock liner, but when I put on a heavier sock to play pond hockey in the Winter the skates are tight. What is the process, how long does it take, and can it damage the boot?


Idk about the stretching but, if i was in your shoes i wouldnt stretch them. I say that because if the skates work for you for indoor ice, i wouldnt stretch them just for pond hockey. Imo i wouldnt take the risk of stretching my skates to big so when i skated on the indoor ice the skates would be to big or feel wierd.

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yeah, justkeep moving out there and dont tie em up as tight as indoors, it will build your ankle strenght and keep your bloodflow to your feet...

Don't mess with a good thing...

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You could get a second pair of skates for pond hockey. The PIAS around me has used Graf 705s in decent shape for about $70. There's a pair of Great Whites for that price as well.

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Has anyone had any experience with stretching their skates to gain a bit more room. I skate in Graf 705's with a light sock liner, but when I put on a heavier sock to play pond hockey in the Winter the skates are tight. What is the process, how long does it take, and can it damage the boot?


I agree don't stretch the skates for winter pond playig. If you are wearing socks for the thermal effect, instead try a product made by "Dry-Guy". It's a foot warmer, basically a foil foot bed that goes under your skate foot bed. It actually warms the feet 10 degrees or more. No Sh1T, I use these at one indoor rink I play at in the winter that is about 1 degree colder than whatever the outside air is. These things work. I tested them, one on one foot and noneon the other. The foot without was numb after 1 hr of ice time.

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Thanks for all the replys. Makes sense to just keep the skates as they are. I'll buy another (cheaper) pair for pond hockey. Thanks for the tip Jimmy on the foot warmers, I'll check it out.

By the way, the Cup was here in Peterborough yesterday... Cory Stillman could hardly lift it!

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im in the exact same boat as you mcgyver

my 705's fit absolutely perfect for inside but onlywhen i have the thin under armor sock on.

if i try to go with normal socks. no way jose, then its way to tight down below

just do what djinferno said and dont tie them as tight for outdoors works ok for me.


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